Sara Cascone

Sara Cascone

Research Fellow

telephone +39.089.964026


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Academic Curriculum

Sara Cascone graduated, summa cum laude, in Chemical Engineering with a thesis in “Drug microencapsulation in biopolymers by ultrasound assisted atomization” in 2009. From 2009 to 2013 she has been student of doctoral course in Science and Technology for Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Food Industry – Chemical Engineering course, gaining the Ph.D. degree in March 2013, defending a thesis in ”In silico and in vitro models in pharmacokinetic studies”.

Since 2013, she has stipulated, in the Department of Industrial Engineering, post-doc collaboration grants, one of them is still going on, on the research topic concerning the simulation of the gastrointestinal tract behavior. During these collaborations, she has been co-author of papers published in international journals and many publications on international conference proceedings. Her main research activities are the study of all the phenomena involved in the drug release after oral administration; the simulation of the mechanic, biochemistry, and mass transport of the gastrointestinal tract and their influence on drug release from tablets. Moreover, she studies the degradation kinetics (both enzymatic and not) of anesthetics, evaluating the effect of the operative parameters and of the enzymatic concentration on the drug degradation. Finally, she participates in the design and realization of a plant, firstly on a lab scale and then on industrial scale, to produce agricultural fertilizers constituted by chelated iron, after a process optimization. This activity has been in collaboration with an industrial partnership (Fertenia Srl).

Her didactic activities have been several seminars during the courses in “Release and directing of drugs” at the Department of Pharmacy, “Chemical Reactors”, “Chemical Reactors in the Food Industry”, and “Principles in Chemical Engineering” at the Department of Industrial Engineering. Since 2010 she has been part of the examination board in “Chemical Reactors in the Food Industry” and “Principles in Chemical Engineering” in the Chemical Engineering bachelor degree and “Transport Phenomena and Food Processes” in the Food Engineering master degree.


PhD thesis

  • Sara Cascone, In silico and in vitro models in pharmacokinetic studies (thesis extract PDF, full thesis PDF 4.1 MB), Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienza e Tecnologie per l’Industria Chimica, Farmaceutica e Alimentare”, Chemical Engineering (XI Ciclo-Nuova Serie), Supervisors: Prof. Eng. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Eng. Gaetano Lamberti, Scientific Committee: Prof. Werner Weitschies, Prof. Iztok Grabnar

Master thesis

  • Sara Cascone, Microincapsulazione di farmaci in biopolimeri mediante atomizzazione assistita da ultrasuoni (thesis extract PDF, full thesis PDF 2.0 MB), Master Degree in Chemical Engineering, 20/11/2009, Supervisors: Prof. Eng. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Eng. Gaetano Lamberti

Bachelor thesis

  • Sara Cascone, Analisi delle cinetiche di idratazione e di rilascio di principi attivi da compresse di idrogeli (thesis extract PDF, full thesis PDF 1.1 MB), Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering, 27/09/2007, Supervisors: Prof. Eng. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Eng. Gaetano Lamberti (This thesis has been awarded as the best Italian Bachelor thesis in Chemical Engineering in 2007 by AIDIC-GRICU)


64 entries « 2 of 2 »


Grassi, Mario; Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Grassi, Gabriele

Mathematical modeling of simultaneous drug release and in vivo absorption. Journal Article

In: International journal of pharmaceutics, vol. 418, no. 1, pp. 130–41, 2011, ISSN: 1873-3476.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Absorption, Administration, Area Under Curve, Biological, Drug Delivery Systems, Humans, In silico, Models, Oral, Pharmacokinetics, Solubility, Theoretical

Cascone, Sara; Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

The influence of dissolution conditions on the drug ADME phenomena. Journal Article

In: European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 382–91, 2011, ISSN: 1873-3441.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ADME, Dissolution, Enteric coated, In silico, In vitro, Pharmacokinetic modeling, Pharmacokinetics

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano

Criteri per progettare e gestire il processo di granulazione Journal Article

In: ICP Rivista dell'Industria Chimica, vol. 4, pp. 74–78, 2011.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Granulation


Cascone, Sara; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano; Rabbia, Luca; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Microencapsulation of active molecules in biopolymers by ultrasound assisted atomization Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings on CD-ROM of CHISA 2010 - ECCE 7, pp. 1–3, Chisa 2010, Praha, Czech Republic, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags:

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Rabbia, Luca; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Grassi, Mario; Grassi, Gabriele

Pluronic/alginate gels in drug eluting stents preparation Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings on CD-ROM of CHISA 2010 - ECCE 7, pp. 1–3, Chisa 2010, Praha, Czech Republic, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Rabbia, Luca; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Novel microencapsulation technique of active molecules in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical preparations Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, pp. 1–4, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical, La Valletta (Malta), 2010.

BibTeX | Tags:

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Rabbia, Luca; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe


In: Proceedings of PBP 7, pp. 1–4, PBP 7, La Valletta, Malta, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags:

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Rabbia, Luca; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Grassi, Mario; Grassi, Gabriele

Gelification of polymer blends for coating of eluting stents Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of 7th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, pp. 1–2, xxxx, Valletta (Malta), 2010, (Proc. su CD ROM).

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization


Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Microencapsulation of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals by ultrasonic atomization Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Effost 2009, pp. 1–4, Effost 2009, Budapest, Ungheria, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags:

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Chirico, Serafina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

On the behavior of HPMC/Theophylline matrices for controlled drug delivery Journal Article

In: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 98, no. 11, pp. 4100–4110, 2009, ISSN: 00223549.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Diffusion, drug release, HPMC, Hydrogel Characterization, swellable hydrogels, Theophylline

Barba, Anna Angela; Cascone, Sara; Muria, Michela Di; Lamberti, Gaetano

Micro-particles by ultrasonic atomization: new strategy towards novel drug carrier Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of CRS36, pp. 1–2, CRS36, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags:

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Intensification of pharmaceuticals atomization by ultrasonic: experiments and correlations testing Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of GPE-EPIC 2009, pp. 1–6, GPE-EPIC 2009, Venezia, Italia, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags:

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Intensification of biopolymeric microparticles production by ultrasonic assisted atomization Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 1477–1483, 2009, ISSN: 02552701.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biopolymer, Intensified ultrasonic atomization, Micro and Nano Vectors, Microparticles


Cascone, Sara; Chirico, Serafina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Water and theopylline transport phenomena within HPMC based tablets Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Innovation in Drug Delivery, pp. 1–2, Napoli, 2007.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

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