Raffaele Mancino

Research fellow

telephone +39.089.964026

mail raffaele.mancino@eng4life.it



Curriculum Accademico

Raffaele Mancino received his master’s degree in Chemical Engineering in the academic year 2020/2021 at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno.

During the internship, which led to the writing of the thesis “Analysis of the production process of agarose cryogels”, he was involved in modeling the production process and studying the mechanical properties of agarose cryogels.

From October 2021 to January 2022, thanks to the research grant “Microencapsulation methods of esters and active molecules”, he has the opportunity to manage his first project within the laboratories of the University of Salerno.

Since February 2022 he has been involved in a project that aims to create biodegradable and plantable seed trays.



Master’s degree thesis

  • Raffaele Mancino, Analisi del processo di produzione dei criogel di agarosio, Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Chimica, student ID: 0622200951, defence date: 20/07/2021, supervisor(s): Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti, Ing. Diego Caccavo, assistant supervisor(s): , thesis extract, full thesis

Bachelor thesis

  • Raffaele Mancino, Analisi del comportamento meccanico di idrogel e criogel di agarosio, Laurea in Ingegneria Chimica, student ID: 0612200463, defence date: 28/09/2018, supervisor(s): Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti, assistant supervisor(s): Ing. Sara Cascone Ing. Diego Caccavo, thesis extract, full thesis