Gaetano Lamberti

Full Professor SSD ING-IND/24 (DIIN)

telephone +39.089.964077


External_link Unisa personal page


Academic Curriculum

Prof. Gaetano Lamberti graduated in Chemical Engineering, summa cum laude, in May 1997, then he gained the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering in 2001. Starting in April 2001 he obtained a post-doctoral grant at the Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, University of Salerno. In October 2003 he obtained a position as assistant professor in transport phenomena (S.S.D. ING-IND/24) in the same department, which he joined in January 2004. During 2012 contest (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) he obtained the qualification to be Associate Professor and to be Full Professor in transport phenomena (S.C. 09/D2). In October 2014 he obtained a position as associate professor in Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno.

His didactic activity consisted in monographic seminars and in being part of examination committees for all courses within the field of transport phenomena (S.S.D. ING-IND/24). As an assistant professor (2003-2014) he gave lectures (an average of 120 hours/year) for all the courses of the SSD, both for bachelor and for master degree levels, including the Master Degree in Food Engineering (an international course, whose lectures are given in English). As an Associate Professor (2015-present) he give courses for an average of 160 hours/year. He also given lectures for advanced courses (Ph.D. level). He was also advisor or co-advisor for more than 100 B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis in Chemical Engineering and in Food Engineering and 6 Ph.D. thesis.

Research activities of Prof. Gaetano Lamberti was developed mainly at the University of Salerno.  From October 2002 to April 2003 he worked for a period at the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Technical University of Eindhoven (NL). The activities were initially focused on the modelling of supercritical fluids-based processes, then to the characterization and processing of thermoplastic polymers. Recently, Prof. Gaetano Lamberti devoted his attention to the transport phenomena which take place in pharmacology, particularly to the hydration kinetics and to the release of bioactive molecules from pharmaceutical solid systems (tablets), made up of swelling hydrogels; and to the pharmacokinetics (release and distribution of pharmaceutics). As usual, his research activities were both experimental, to elucidate the transport phenomena, and modelling, to describe the observed phenomena. The results of his researches, and an overview on his research group are summarized in the web site

Prof. Gaetano Lamberti has been a referee for several international journals, for more than 140 revisions. He is part of the editorial board for the International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Elsevier, IF 2016 3.649, Journal Website, Editorial Board, Gaetano Lamberti’s page in Editorial Board). Furthermore, Prof. Gaetano Lamberti participates to the editorial boards of the following international journals: Journal of Pharmaceutics (Hindawi Pub., Journal Website, Editorial Board, Gaetano Lamberti’s page in Editorial Board), Industrial Engineering & Management (Omics Group, Journal Website, Editorial Board, Gaetano Lamberti’s page in Editorial Board), Translational Medicine (UniSA, Journal Website, Editorial Board), The Scientific World Journal (Hindawi Pub., Journal Website, Editorial Board: Pharmaceutics, Gaetano Lamberti’s page in Editorial Board).

He has produced over 200 works of which more than 110 are publications in international journals, indexed on the Web Of Science and Scopus databases. In December 2019, according to Web Of Science Core Collection, the h-index of Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti was 27 (129 registered works, 1.900 citations), according to Scopus the h-index was 28 (131 registered works, 2.019 citations).

Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti is listed in the “Engineering” section of the Top Italian Scientists website. The site lists the researchers with the greatest impact in the scientific field of reference, an impact measured with the h-index value (Google) considered significant when greater than 30.



237 entries « 5 of 5 »


Lamberti, Gaetano; Chirico, Serafina; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Flow-induced crystallization during polymer film casting Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx–xx, 2005.

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Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; D'Amore, Matteo

Analysis of heat and mass transfer phenomena in food processed by DSC Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2004.

BibTeX | Tags:

Lamberti, Gaetano; Santis, Felice De; Chirico, Serafina; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Un metodo innovativo per l'analisi della cinetica di cristallizzazione dei polimeri ad alte velocità  di raffreddamento Proceedings Article

In: pp. 1091–1094, 2004.

BibTeX | Tags:

Lamberti, Gaetano; VENTURI, F; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Modellazione del processo di filmatura piana di polimeri in presenza di solidificazione in aria. Effetto del coefficiente di scambio Proceedings Article

In: pp. 1051–1054, 2004.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Santis, Felice De; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Heat transfer and Crystallization During Fast Cooling of Thin Polymer Film Proceedings Article

In: pp. 805–808, 2004.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; VIETRI, U; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Relazione tra reologia e cristallinità  in un polipropilene isotattico Proceedings Article

In: pp. 1087–1090, 2004.

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Santis, Felice De; HRISTOVA, D; Lamberti, Gaetano; PETERS, G. W. M; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Effect of cooling rate on crystallization kinetic behavior of polypropylene by real-time optical measurements Proceedings Article

In: pp. 419–422, 2003.

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Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Crystallinity measurements during fast cooling experiments Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2003.

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Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Monitoring crystallization kinetics under high cooling rate Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2003.

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Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Lamberti, Gaetano

Modeling film casting of polymers with crystallization along the draw line Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2003.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Heat transfer phenomena analysis in polymer film casting process Proceedings Article

In: pp. 111–114, 2003.

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Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Real-time crystallinity evolution measurements during polypropylene fast cooling runs Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx–xx, 2002.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Santis, Felice De; GIANNATTASIO, A; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

An Experimental Set-up for Real-time Measurements of Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Polymers Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2002.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; CRISCI, R; RUSSO, I; IANNELLI, P; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

iPP orientation and crystallinity as revealed in quenched samples (off-line) and during film casting (on-line) by FT-IR and dichroic methods Proceedings Article

In: pp. 219–222, 2002.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Carrubba, Vincenzo La; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; PICCAROLO, S; Brucato, Valerio

WAXS FT-IR and Birefringence Measurements of Orientation and Crystallinity in Film Casting Products Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2002.

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Santis, Felice De; CHIARA, A DE; Lamberti, Gaetano; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Non isothermal crystallization kinetics of iPP: crystallinity evolution as function of cooling rates Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx–xx, 2001.

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Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Lamberti, Gaetano

Modelling flow induced crystallization in film casting of polypropylene Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2001.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Flow induced crystallization in film casting experiments Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2001.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; RUSSO, I; Brucato, Valerio

Una tecnica FT-IR on-line ed off-line per la misura del grado cristallino di manufatti di iPP Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2001.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; AVALLONE, L; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

I modelli adoperati nella simulazione della filmatura piana dei polimeri Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2001.

BibTeX | Tags:

Lamberti, Gaetano; CRISCI, R; Brucato, Valerio

Una tecnica dicroica FT-IR on-line ed off-line per la misura dell'orientazione di manufatti di iPP Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2001.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; FORLENZA, V; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

On line measurements during film casting of an iPP and evidences of flow induced crystallization Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2001.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Brucato, Valerio

Simulation of the Cast Film Process Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2000.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; GRECO, M; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Non isothermal crystallization kinetic of an iPP accounting for athermal effects Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2000.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Brucato, Valerio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Modelling of orientation evolution in the film casting process Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2000.

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PICCAROLO, S; Brucato, Valerio; Carrubba, Vincenzo La; Lamberti, Gaetano

Can quenching experiments answer open questions on non isothermal crystallization? Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 2000.

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Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Width Distribution Along Draw Direction in the Film Casting Process Proceedings Article

In: pp. xx, 1999.

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Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; TORTORA, A; Lamberti, Gaetano; Malafronte, Loredana

Blanching Processes of Fruit: Experiments and Modeling Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Effost 2008, pp. 1–4, Lubiana, Slovenia, 0000.

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Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Grassi, Mario; Chirico, Serafina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Micellizzazione e gelazione di un copolimero PEO-PPO-PEO (F127), investigate mediante misure calorimetriche e dielettriche Proceedings Article

In: pp. 123–128, Crotone, Italia, 0000.

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Barba, Anna Angela; Apicella, Pietro; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Quantitative Characterization of Osmotic Dehydration Process of Chestnut Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Effost 2008, pp. 1–4, Effost, Lubiana, Slovenia, 0000.

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Russo, Giuseppina; Vittoria, Vittoria; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Electrospinning of drug-loaded polymer systems: preparation, characterization and drug release Proceedings Article


Links | BibTeX | Tags:

CREVATI, A; FERUGLIO, L; PERIN, D; Grassi, Gabriele; LAPASIN, Romano; Lamberti, Gaetano; Grassi, Mario

Gel di alginato-pluronico per il rilascio di agenti antiproliferativi Proceedings Article

In: pp. 99–104, Crotone, Italia, 0000.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization

Barba, Anna Angela; Chirico, Serafina; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Hydration, swelling , erosion and drug release from HPMC and HPMC/TP Proceedings Article

In: pp. 61–64, Piano di Sorrento (NA), Italia, 0000.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Chirico, Serafina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Sul rilascio di molecole attive da compresse basate su idrogeli Proceedings Article

In: pp. 117–122, Crotone, Italia, 0000.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization

Chirico, Serafina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; Russo, Giuseppina; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Radial water up-take in pure HPMC tablet: analysis and model prediction Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Pharmaceutical Science World Congress, pp. 1–4, Amsterdam, 0000.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano

Analysis of Mass Transfer during Controlled Release of Diclofenac from Commercial Tablets Proceedings Article

In: pp. x, Vienna (Austria), 0000.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Coviello, Antonio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Modeling Transport Phenomena during Controlled Release from Various Shaped Tablets Proceedings Article

In: pp. x, Vienna, 0000.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Modeling

237 entries « 5 of 5 »